The Holidays are a time for family, celebrating with those near and far, and remembering those who are no longer here to celebrate with us. 2020 has provided some unique challenges. For the first time in my life, I wasn't able to celebrate this holiday season with my family out of state, as traveling restrictions held us apart, and safety considerations for health took priority over being together. I am so incredibly grateful to have married into a family who is here, and I could spend these past few weeks creating memories with my loved ones.

However, it is not lost on me, how many people face this season missing loved ones who no longer can be here. A challenge that doesn't get easier as the years pass. I spent the last month working mostly 60 hour weeks, rushing through the holiday season to help capture and create memories for families. This season always seems to go by in a flash. Taking time to look back and reflect on what I created, a few things stand out to me this holiday season. Families seem stronger than ever, taking stock in the value of their time together, making more memories at home, focusing less on going 100 miles per hour, but enjoying those teenie moments together during a season that can go by too quickly. I captured so many special memories this season, from reading the "The Night Before Christmas" on Nicky's first holiday, to gingerbread house traditions and tree farm outings. I wanted to share with everyone a little bit about creating this video in particular for Nicole and her family.

Nicole lost her mom this November. A woman who thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas season. Her mom decorated her house with passion and creativity, and Nicole wanted her son to be photographed in the decorations one final time. Last year, Nicole and her husband also lost her father-in-law, another passing that weighed heavy on the family.
I went into this project wanting to do something more special than just photographs for Nicole and her family. I had her send me over old videos of her mother and father-in-law. I was able to take the voices of their parents from old clips and layer them throughout the teenie movie, so their parents felt present in the creating of this memory.

The final product is a video that captures not only the beauty of the house, but the beauty of this remarkably strong family. I left filming this day with such a sense of warmth. A family that has been through so much, but was so strong, welcoming, and loving with each other. In the busiest time of year, they gave me perspective, and pause, to really take in what this season is all about. And I can't thank them enough for this reminder.