Growing up happens so fast! We all know the big life moments when we are in them, first birthdays, first Christmas’s, first steps, first time they ride a bike. We know to hold on to those memories and never let go, lock them up tight and keep them forever.

But what about those small everyday memories? The ones that we know we enjoy when we are in them, but seem to slip out of memory as time passes. Those moments that felt small and common while we lived them, but feel so large and fleeting as time passes. Those teenie moments when kids were just kids, they just played, they just lived. Those moments are just as important to lock up and keep tight forever.
This is where I come in. Family portraits can be such a stressful occasion for Mom and Dad. Kids often don’t want to dress up, they don’t want to pose, or sit still. Creating those memories can be a challenging experience. Instead of creating those moments, I capture those moments we often forget with time. Playing dress up, baking cookies, walks to the park. Those simple every day moments that define so much of how we raise our families and spend time with our kiddos.

I started Teenie Toddler Films as a way to document those every day moments in short sweet little videos that families can share easily with their loved ones. As a seasoned fashion photographer, it feels only right that images are a part of the whole experience. Each session I spend about an hour and a half with the families, tagging along on those every day adventures, capturing video and stills. The final result, Teenie Films and photos of moments that feel huge as our loved ones grow.